Thursday, April 22, 2010

In the Can

This enameled metal canister could hide multitudes of sinful secrets, but I would fill it with chocolate chip cookies. It is about 6 inches in diameter, so I'd either fill it with lots of little cookies of which one could sneak furtive handfuls, or stack it with about ten very large cookies that would make one feel thirsty, sluggish and oh-so-content.

This could also hold cotton balls in the bathroom. My grandmother kept a little canister like this full of cotton balls in her bathroom, except it was in pale blue and white. She hid her good jewelry in the bottom of it. Her house was robbed twice and the jewelry was never touched.

My grandmother also kept secret candy around. This would be excellent for secret candy.

1 comment:

  1. Dibs!

    I'm seriously in love with your blog and all the neat things you've found. Can I nab this canister from you next wednesday when I pick up the giant leaves?

    -Emily C.
