Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chain Gang

I used to use a wallet like the one pictured above when I was in High School. It was part of my extremely self conscious and over-thought "look". I was a little punkish and enjoyed the chain dangling at my side all day. I was really not cool, and I'm still not, but I know better than to wear all kinds of chains and try to look tough when I'm not, at least not in that way, and especially now since I'm a Jewish Mother.

What if the look you aspired to in High School, the one you decided was definitely, withoutadoubt yours, was the look you had to keep forever? Most of us would be screwed. I'd be imprisoned inside pigtails, deep shades of velvet, handfuls of rings, and carelessly selected thrift store horrors, not to mention gobs of burgundy glitter lipstick and streaks of black Wet n' Wild eye pencil all over me at all times. The Sharpie designs on my clothing and skin. The colorful plastic baby barrettes. The... GASP... exposed midriff.

Yup. I'd be screwed.


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